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I learned about INPUT and OUTPUT with Arduino.

So, I created this microcontroller circuit that has 1 DIGITAL INPUT and 2 OUTPUT

To start with, I connected power and ground on the breadboard to power and ground from the

microcontroller. Then I connected red and blue columns on the left of the breadboard

to the red and blue columns on the right side of the breadboard with red and black wires.

I wondered WHY? there should be a resistor after D2 wire.

What I learned?

The resistor connecting the pushbutton is a pulldown resistor.

It provides the digital input pin with a connection to ground. Without it, the input will behave unreliably.

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Then I created additional 2 circuits connected to D3 and D4 which is going to be my output.

I connected resistors for both of them. Stronger resistor will make light bulbs dimmer.

Then I connected another side of lightbulb to negative(-).

I was curious why should it be connected to - and I found out each Arduino pin works as a +.

And I coded to light it up sequentially. By doing this, I could understand basic concept of how electric devices that interacts with people work.

At this point, I could not find out and other creative way to code and make creative circuit but I can’t wait to learn.

Now, I get the basic idea of INPUT and OUTPUT of Microcontroller.


void setup() {
  pinMode(2, INPUT);    
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);  


void loop() {
   if (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {
     digitalWrite(3, HIGH);    
     digitalWrite(4, LOW);    
   else {
     digitalWrite(3, LOW);     
     digitalWrite(4, HIGH);    



Interactive technology I chose is an NYC metro card vending machine that I've been using for 7 years. People use it to refill their card; to get a new card, or to get a single ride card. People use it in many different ways. Some people choose their preferred language first; some people choose what they want first(get a new card, refill your card, single ride) and some people just insert the metro card right away so that the machine can skip previous steps and direct them to 'refill your card' screen right away.

Even though the machine is very straight forward,(does not have any other functions other than a metro card) elders or people who are new to New York City seems to have a hard time using it which causes a long line.

I used the machine for so long and have not thought about once what I liked about it. Probably, touch screen. The first user will never expect that such an old-looking machine is a touchscreen. It makes everything so much easier.

It takes the most time to Wait in Line to use the machine (Line created by tourists and first-time user). I guess the user interface of a metro vending machine needs some improvements. I think it would be easier and faster to use a chip, instead of the barcode(card). It takes only a few seconds for a machine to read the barcode but it feels long when there is a line. It can get to minutes or hours when seconds are added up.

NYC metro vending was an innovative technology once but not anymore.

For better user experience, it has to adopt new technology.