
Meta Gallery 1.0

Our current project is focused on exploring the creative potential of virtual reality (VR) technology and developing a new art-viewing system for new-media art. We recognize that the physical restrictions of the real world and flat screens can limit the expressive possibilities for artists working in new media. That's why we're using VR headsets and game engines to create a new platform that removes these limitations and allows artists to fully realize their creative vision. By leveraging the imaginative features of VR, we aim to create a dynamic art-viewing experience that breaks down the barriers of traditional mediums and inspires new forms of artistic expression.

Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing the art-viewing experience, particularly in museums and galleries. By providing a heightened sense of engagement, immersion, integration, and imagination, VR has the potential to transform the way people interact with art. Galleries are using VR to showcase artwork remotely or inside a physical gallery, giving visitors an overview of the museum or recreating the historical context of the artwork. These initiatives increase visitor engagement and enhance the overall experience.

Research into the impact of VR on visitors' experiences and suggestions for future use has shown that people are embracing this novel technology and seeking more immersive and imaginative experiences. However, the current VR gallery designs lack the feature of imagination. Most existing VR gallery projects focus on replicating real-world museums and displaying physical artwork, which limits their expressive possibilities due to human sensory limitations, 3D design interfaces, and accessibility issues.

Moving forward, there is a need to develop VR gallery designs that push the boundaries of artistic expression and offer more imaginative experiences. By leveraging the full potential of VR, we can create dynamic and interactive art-viewing experiences that transport visitors to new worlds and open up new possibilities for artists and viewers alike.


Digital Experience Design

Networked & Multi Player



Minimal Interaction


New Artistic Medium

Realistic Presence


Unlimited Space



The current landscape of public VR in a post-covid world?

 Who is the audience - who has headsets, or is this for a speculative audience? 

 Potential of using VR in museums for viewing art? 

 Potential of VR to inspire new forms of art not possible without VR technology?

Why do people go to museums now? Will they in the future?

How would the art galleries/museum change if Virtual Reality naturally settles in culture?

Why has VR technology not naturally settled in culture yet? 


Book Reference

Generative Art - Algorithms as artistic tool by James R. Parker'

Dear Data by Stefanie Posavec

Dawn of the New Everything by Jaron Lanier

Learning in the Museum by George E. Hein

Creating the Visitor Centered Museum by Peter Samis and Mimi Michaelson

Future Presence by Peter Rubin

Hamlet on the Holodeck by Janet H.Murray

Generative Art by Matt Pearson

Inventing the Medium by Janet H. Murray

Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard

Coming of age in Second Life by Tom Boellstorff

This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J.Levitin

User Test