I got inspired by Fidget Spinning. I wanted to create complex composition using Array, Class, Functions that makes 3D Optical illusion effect.
To begin with, I designed Spinning fidget that interact with location of mouse X and mouse Y.
Speed and color of Spinning fidget changes respect to mouseX and mouseY.
I coded background in setup in purpose in order to make 3D optical illusion.

Then I wanted to make it more complex. I wanted to generate Arrays of circles whenever user press the mouse. I wanted to make circles that swirl, accelerate, and gets bigger as it goes towards outside of window.
so I set variables for x location, y location, radius, angle, distance, speed.
whenever user press the mouse, circle that swirl generates.
circle gets bigger as it goes towards outside of screen
speed changes respect to speed of fidget spinning (mouseX value)
Then I made it to submit values when user press the mouse into array so that it draws circle
over and over again whenever user press the mouse.